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My Story

I discovered writing when I was in Elementary school and was always fascinated by it, but I never really wrote much down. My mother is sure that I must have ADHD, but was never diagnosed with it, because my attention span, hmm a donut sounds good right about now. I don't have any donuts though and I'm fat and on a diet, so no donut for me right now. What was I talking about again? Oh, yes attention span I don't have one, well I kind of do, that's why I don't have full blown ADD's as I like to call it. Anyway, I was always coming up with stories nonetheless, I just never had the real patience to write them down. In my room I used to spend hours after school coming up with all these show ideas. I had a huge imagination. I would watch some TV first when I got home, watching all my favorite shows and then when sports or sitcoms would come on, I'd run into my room bar the door, and get into all sorts of characters and trouble. It was so much fun. I created my own TV channel and tried to come up with all sorts of shows to fill the different time slots, so that there was constant programming on it. One show was about a kid named "iii" (pronounced ayayay) and he used to get into all sorts of predicaments that would make him say his name at the end. It was a such a silly show idea, but perhaps someday it might actually work as a show idea, so don't steal it!!! Obviously there was comedy and of course action, even a little romance also, but then inevitably I had to grow up despite how awfully hard I fought it. Well, I mean my body, it felt like I never got much bigger or older, I still look several years younger than I am which is nice and flattering, but at the same time it makes you look less mature than you should

be or perhaps have different appearance to people, which might involve less respect. My ideas never stopped and I continued imagining all sorts of things for my life, eventually becoming a rock star or a movie star or something. However, realized that I didn't quite have the chops or the acting talent to repeat lines. Made a film for a middle school class, that was supposed to be funny, but my part was supposed to be serious and I couldn't stop myself from laughing at all at my best friend's performance. I can't sing too well either, even though I try and I've never really gotten the hang of any instruments, which is what I've wanted to do but never do do. Lack of focus. My sister dropped me on my head as child, well she says she put me up on a table, because she got bored or that I was too heavy for her, some ridiculous excuse like that. She was like 5 or 6 years old, and then left me on the table by myself, where I did what babies do best. Screamed for bloody murder, well probably because I had fallen off the table, or because I had been abandoned. I was rushed to the hospital and everything was fine, I was still an infant at the time. So I probably don't have focus because of that, or maybe that time she tricked me into taking a ride in the dryer. So I've been writing since I was younger with no clear direction on what I really wanted to write about. However, as of late I have a better direction on what stories I want to get published, I also am working on poetry, and my youtube channel, so any help in both directions would be very much appreciated. Anyway that's part of my story and I'm sure you'll be around to hear the rest.

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